Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Landlord In Search Of Family Of His Female Tenant Who Died In His Apartment

 Two days ago, Wed Dec 21,2022 d Police got me arrested because of an Akwa Ibom Lady that slept off & died in one of my Rooms I gave to her as Rent Bayii...

Last month November, dis Akwa Ibom Lady named Blessing Effiong came to me that someone gave her my Contact dat she heard that I do give out Furnished apartments with bed Bayii.

I told her yes, & let her know d Prices of each Room, and she agreed to settle on Room & Parlour with her Benin Boyfriend Bayii.

After she has made the Payment, I asked if she was working or doing Hookup or Ashawo.., She told me dat she's Working in a tiger nut drink Company, then I gave her d Keys to d Apartment Bayii.

Fast-forward to Last week Friday, She fell ill, and no one noticed me about it, so there's no way I could know about it. But by Monday dis Week, I went to her apartment to check on her so I can use d opportunity to let her know that her Rent would be Expiring in a Week's time Bayii.

But when I got there, She was Covering herself, & told me that she has been sick for d Past 3 days.., I saw her Sister in d Room, then I asked about her Benin Boyfriend, and she told me that her BF has traveled to d Northern Part of Ghana Bayii.

Then I asked if she's has gotten some medicine before I Wished her a Fast Recovery, & then Left Bayii.

The next day Tuesday, an unknown number called, that they've admitted Blessing Effiong to d Hospital, and that they need my Presence for a Money deposit, I told Dem to carry on, that money is not a problem as I will be there Shortly Bayii.

After Some Minutes, I arrived at d Hospital,& went straight to see d Doctor concerning her health, which d the doctor told me that they've been doing their medical best in treating Bayii..

I asked after d Bills, & Paid for Everything, then I left for my Business, not knowing that they later discharged her that same evening Bayii.

By 7;30pm that same evening, I got a call, that she was back home, I quickly rushed to see her, and when I arrived at her apartment, & asked her about her family members, that if she could Provide me with their Contact, but she told me that her Phone is Off because it's not Charged Bayii.

She Promised that she will give me her family Contact d the next morning, that she was feeling Sleepy Bayii.

Lo & behold, Before d Next Morning, She's DE.AD & her relative Sister staying with her Ran away leaving d whole load for me alone Bayii...

Well, I went to Police Station to Explain everything to dem before I settled dem with Money, so it's can be easy for them to Escort Me & d C@rpse to a Police Morgue since I don't know her Family Bayii.

Until now I can't find her on Facebook & I haven't heard from her Boyfriend or her Family members Bayii.

Please ñdi Akwa Ibom should help me out BikoLandlord seeks help in locating family members of his female tenant who died in his apartment Locate her family, as I've done over 300k Expenses in d Past 4days Bayii.

I can't Post her C@rpse Photos here, because it's Worrisome Bayii.


I know it didn't Concern some of u...

But it Pains me to Pass u...So have Pity on me Bayii.


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