Fact: More than 86 percent of all rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. More than half of all rapes occur in the victim’s residence.
False: Women who say “no” to sexual advances often mean “yes.”
Fact: Although miscommunication or misunderstanding can occur, it is never acceptable to force sex. If a woman says “no” she has a right for her wishes to be respected, and a man should never assume that she means “yes.”
False: Nice girls don’t get raped.
Fact: All women are exposed to sexual assault. Most victims are ordinary women with good reputations and social standing. Reputation has nothing to do with selection of rape victims.
False: Women incite rape by their appearance and behavior.
Fact: Rape victims range in age from 2 months to 93 years. Rape is an affirmation of animosity and/or power expressed in a sexual manner and it has nothing to do with victim’s behavior and/or dress. To be sexually assaulted is to be victimized, and therefore, is not the fault of the victim.
False: Women actually want to be raped, because they enjoy it.
Fact: No woman enjoys to be abused not even by her husband. Rape is a violent crime, and no one asks to be a victim of a violent crime.
False: A woman can prevent rape by communicating more clearly.
Fact:: what a wrong assertion.This falsehood places blame for rape on women. Men rape, so only men can prevent rape. Communication is important, but a woman can be raped even if she screams, cries or is incapable of saying “no” because she is drugged, has been overpowered, intoxicated or has passed out.
False: A woman cannot be subjected to rape against her will.
Fact: Rape would not happen if women were willing. Physical and psychological fear may completely cripple a woman’s ability to resist and prevent assault. A woman can be the victim of rape just as she can be the victim of murder or any other violent crime.
False: Rape is an inborn product of male sexuality.
Fact:: Rape is very uncommon in some societies, which shows that rape is a choice and a cultivated behavior. Rape is an expression of male dominance, pride and hostility, not innate male sexuality.
False: Most rapists are medically unfit or mentally ill.
Fact: You can hardly find anyone accusing someone of rape. Fewer than 2 percent of rape complaints are falsely reported. This is about the same rate of false reporting for other crimes.
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